Information material
Current subsidies

Current funding

for your sermocore digitisation project

Here, we inform you about subsidies that are currently available in the GAS (Germany - Austria - Switzerland) region. All of the subsidies that you find here can be used when implementing or expanding sermocore products.

Why digitise?

➥ Strengthen your economic performance and competitiveness

➥ Use subsidies for the progress of digitalisation

Use this opportunity to drive your digitalisation projects forward and make your company fit for the future!

Eligible projects 2024


Upper Austria

➲ Digital Starter 2024

The WKOÖ and the state of Upper Austria support local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with funding for their digital projects. There are two programmes: The DigiPROJEKT - Basic and the DigiPROJEKT - Intensive.

What is supported?

  • automation / digitisation
  • data management / artificial intelligence
  • secure IT systems / cyber security
  • digital market development

How much can you get? 

  • DigiPROJEKT - basic
    • for project costs between €5,000 and €10,000 ▸funding amount 40% max. €4,000 
  • DigiPROJEKT - Intensive
    • for project costs between € 10,000 and € 25,000 ▸funding amount 40% max. € 10,000

Application timeframe: start 15/03/2024 until 01/12/2024

more at: https://foerderungen.wkooe.at/digitalstarter24 


Discover ERFOLGPLUS24, the funding programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Upper Austria and with active membership of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce!

What is supported?

  • Consultancy services from external IT service providers
  • Focus on innovations in product, service and business models
  • New or improved products/services
  • Changes in business models

How much can you get?

  • Grant: 50% of the consultancy fee (net)
  • Maximum grant: 750 euros
  • Minimum consulting fee: 800 euros (net)
  • Not eligible: Travel costs, expenses, other out-of-pocket expenses

Application timeframe: start 24/02/2024 until 24/11/2024

Please note: Unlike most other funding programmes, the application is only submitted after the consultation has been completed and the invoice has been paid! The consultancy service must have been provided between 2 January 2024 and one day before the date of application.

more at: https://foerderungen.wkooe.at/erfolgplus 


➲ Salzburg.digital - funding for digitalisation projects

Companies that want to implement new digital technologies have the opportunity to receive financial support from the state of Salzburg. This funding is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Salzburg mid-caps that have been in existence for a minimum of 3 years and are based in Salzburg.

What is supported?

  • Development, introduction or improvement of processes
  • Technologies, procedures and prototyping methods
  • Business models, products and services
  • Intended data utilisation and data integration along the value chain

Which projects are funded?

  1. Digi-Security: Support in the area of cyber security
  2. Digi-Invest: Implementation of Industry 4.0 concepts and innovation projects
  3. Salzburg Digi-Bonus: Investments in digital transformation technologies

How much can you get?

  • Up to € 30,000 for Digi-Security and Digi-Invest
  • Up to € 100,000 for the Salzburg Digi-Bonus

Please note: The funding application must be submitted before the start of project implementation (exception: Phase 1 - Digi-Security, see guidelines)

more at: https://www.salzburg.gv.at/wirtschaft_/Seiten/digitalisierungsoffensive.aspx 


 Tyrolean digitalisation funding

Are you a company based in Tyrol that wants to introduce modern digital technologies?

The funding supports both small and large projects in the areas of planning, implementation and qualification. Up to 50% of the eligible costs for planning and qualification and up to 20% for implementation can be applied for.

What is supported?

  • Introduction of state-of-the-art digital technologies
  • Qualification and competence development
  • Planning and implementation phases
  • Training and further education measures

How much can you get?

  • Small projects:
    • Planning: Max. 50% subsidy, min. €1,000, max. €20,000 eligible project costs
    • Implementation: Max. 20% subsidy for micro and small companies, max. 10% for medium-sized companies, min. €5,000, max. €100,000 eligible project costs
  • Large-scale projects:
    • Planning: Max. 50% subsidy, min. €10,000, max. €50,000 eligible project costs
    • Implementation: Max. 20% subsidy for micro and small companies, max. 10% for medium-sized and large companies, min. €100,000, max. €1 million in eligible project costs (funding in the area of implementation limited to €100,000)
    • Qualification: Max. 50% subsidy, min. €10,000, max. €50,000 in subsidisable project costs

Period of validity: 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2028, application until 31.12.2027

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/tiroler-digitalisierungsfoerderung 

➲ Tyrolean funding for investments of less than 700,000 euros

Are you a micro or small business in Tyrol and would like to strengthen your economic performance and competitiveness?

What is supported?

  • Improvement of the business structure and product range
  • Production of new products
  • Application of new technologies/processes
  • Provision of new services
  • Business start-ups & relocations
  • Creation/improvement of operational employee infrastructure

How much can you get?

  • One-off grant of up to 5% of eligible costs
  • Limited to €700,000 for investments over €20,000 (micro-enterprises) or €100,000 (small enterprises)
  • Young companies can receive a bonus of 2.5%
  • Regional bonus of up to 2.5% (East Tyrol)
  • Sustainability bonus of €5,000 possible for environmental awards

Period of validity: 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2028, application until 31.12.2027

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/investitionen-weniger-als-700tausend-euro-tirol 

➲ Tyrolean funding for investments of more than 700,000 euros

Are you a micro, small or medium-sized company in Tyrol and would like to strengthen your economic performance and competitiveness?

What is supported?

  • Company relocations
  • Product and process innovations
  • Introduction of new innovative technologies
  • Technology-orientated business expansions in the manufacturing sector.

How much can you get?

  • One-off grant of max. 5% of the eligible costs. At least €700,000, max. €5 million.
  • Regional bonus: Up to 2.5% (East Tyrol)
  • Sustainability bonus: €5,000

Period of validity: 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2028, application until 31.12.2027

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/investitionen-mehr-als-700-tausend-euro-tirol 

➲ Tyrol: flagship projects in the field of digitalisation

Are you interested in innovative flagship projects that drive the digital transformation in Tyrol?

The funding supports companies, associations, municipalities, universities and other institutions based in Tyrol in the implementation of pioneering digitalisation projects.

What is supported?

  • Investments in tangible assets
  • Investments in intangible assets
  • Personnel costs
  • Material and equipment costs
  • External costs

How much can you get?

  • Non-repayable, one-off grant
  • Up to 100% of the eligible costs
  • Limited to €500,000
  • Funding rate for companies: 30%
  • Maximum funding per project: €200,000

Period of validity: 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2028, application until 31.12.2027

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/digitalisierung-leuchtturmprojekte-tirol 

➲ Tyrol: Support measures of the municipality of Schwaz

Are you an entrepreneur interested in modernising your business processes? If so, then this subsidy could be just the thing for you!

The digitalisation campaign supports companies in implementing digital measures such as online shops, digital accounting systems or other digital solutions.

Who is eligible for funding?

  • Entrepreneurs with a maximum of 100 employees or an annual turnover of no more than 7 million euros.
  • With a valid chamber membership and business licence in Austria.

How much can you get?

  • Minimum investment sum of EUR 1,000
  • One-off project costs are subsidised with 20% of the initial investment, up to a maximum grant of €2,000.

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/schwaz-stadtgemeinde-tirol 


➲ Start! Clear funding for first-time innovative founders 

Are you dreaming of starting your own company or have you recently taken the plunge into self-employment? The WKU funding programmes offer a start-up injection.

What is supported?

  • Advice, investments and digitalisation measures that give your company a head start.

How much can you get?

  • Up to €5,000 for external consulting costs
  • Up to 20% (plus 5% regional bonus) of investment costs and digitalisation measures
  • Maximum amount of €30,000

More at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/start-klar-erstmalige-gruender-steiermark 



➲ Promotion campaign 2024

Discover the digitalisation promotion for members of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade 2024!

What is supported?

  • Creation of a new homepage
  • Creation of a web shop
  • System conversion
  • Carrying out a data security or website check

How much can you get?

  • Up to 50% of the net costs or a maximum of € 600 per year and company

Note: Link to the homepage of the building materials, iron and timber trade at www.wko.at/stmk/bauenwohnen and proof by means of a screenshot required.

more at: https://www.wko.at/stmk/handel/baustoff-eisen-holz/foerderaktion 


➲ Digitalisation

Discover funding for investments in digital infrastructure and digitalisation measures for Viennese companies!

Who is eligible for funding?

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Vienna that primarily carry out their value-added activities in the city.

What is supported?

  • Implementation of digitalisation measures
  • Development and implementation of digital solutions in various business areas:
    • Sales, production, customer management and payment processing

How much can you get?

  • Maximum funding rate: 50% of the recognised project costs
  • Maximum funding amount: €50,000

Period of validity: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/digitalisierung-wien 



➲ Production ERDF|JTF.Invest for SMEs

If you are a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the manufacturing sector, industry and production-related services in Carinthia, then get support now in your transition to a sustainable economy, in particular through the funding of digitalisation projects.

What is supported?

  • Investments with a focus on ecological transformation and digitalisation to increase competitiveness

How much can you get?

  • Non-repayable grant of up to 35% of the project costs, depending on the size of the company and the quality of the digitalisation project

Period of validity: Until 30 June 2024

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/produktion-efre-jtf-invest-kaernten 

➲ Technological services - digitalisation (TD) & information and communication technologies (ICT)

The funding applies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and aims to support innovative products, processes or services.

What is supported?

  • The funding covers personnel costs, external development and consultancy costs and investments.

How much can you get?

  • Non-repayable grant totalling a maximum of 40% of eligible costs, limited to a maximum of €100,000.

Period of validity: 30 June 2024

more at: https://www.wko.at/foerderungen/digitalisierung-ikt-kaernten 


➲ aws Innovation Protection Advanced - AI Knowledge: Funding for AI expertise

The "AWS Innovation Protection Advanced - AI Knowledge" programme aims to provide companies with the necessary knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to apply and develop AI technologies in line with their business objectives. 

What is funded and to what extent?

  • Free coaching by aws innovation protection and industry experts for a maximum of 20 hours.
  • Grant of up to 80% of the eligible project costs, up to a maximum of EUR 30,000 in accordance with de minimis or AGVO.
  • Cost type I: Up to EUR 20,000 grant for consultancy services, acquisition of intellectual property and innovation protection measures.
  • Cost type II: Up to EUR 10,000 grant for qualification measures.
  • Minimum project costs of EUR 2,000.

Note: An application is expected to be possible from 8 January 2024 to 31 December 2025. Application exclusively via the AWS Funding Manager. Submission of a project or product description and a cost breakdown. The decision by the jury is made approximately once a quarter.

more at: https://www.aws.at/aws-innovationsschutz/ai-wissen/ 

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